Saturday, December 11, 2010

Scrumptious Saturday

Okay, so it's not really a would even be a stretch to call it a stew...
It's a wonderfully starchy filling meal that feels so good after coming in
from a cold winter day.
We are very fortunate that all the ingredients were grown/raised locally.

Beef Bean Barley Soup
One large beef soup bone (optional)
2 cups sliced carrots
1 large onion 
2 stalks celery
2 more cups assorted veggies
1 cup chopped beef (optional)
1 cup barley 
1 cup mixed lentils (golden and green come in my favorite mix)
Water to cover the items
Simmer the beef bone for about an hour in water that will cover it.  Remove any beef leftovers from the bone and discard (or give to the dog) the bone.  Add in the veggies and beef.  Let simmer until everything is tender.  Bring to a boil and add in the grains.  Reduce heat to a simmer and cook until the grains are tender.
Good for you
What did you make this week?


  1. This looks delicious. I love beef stew, and I love lentils, so I know I would love this recipe...too bad my entire family turns up their noses at lentils every time I try to cook them. Oh well.

  2. My family is not big on anything too beany, but they will eat this...and it freezes very well for when mommy likes it more than the kiddos.

  3. YUM! Tonight we had homegrown chicken soup. Last night was homemade pizza and tomorrow...hmmm....I am thinking chili with quinoa noodles. Can you tell its been freezing cold here--i lost all feeling in my fingers today working outside. A bowl of something hot thaws things out.

  4. Hi City Sister! Thanks for visiting us and for your comment. That soup looks yummy, I am a huge fan of lentils so I will have to give it a try sometime! Laura x

  5. This stew is against me. I don't eat meat and can't eat gluten (barley). BUT it looks amazing! I love a thick stewy stew :)

    This week I made the most buttery banana bread on earth. And it was goooood.

  6. Which banana bread recipe do you use? The stew can be altered easily...try quinoa or rice instead of barley...and you can leave the meat out and just substitute water with veggie stock! The quinoa will give you some nice protein in the soup.


Thanks for visiting with us girls...put your feet up and stay for a while.