Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Shalom...a yarn along...

In joining with the yarn along is true...
Two of my favorite things are knitting and reading.
So here it is...the beginnings of my Shalom Cardigan...

I was hoping to get some of it knitted when I was teaching knitting club last week (at our homeschool co-op)
but that didn't happen...fancy that... I was busy teaching...
As for reading, C. is really into the concept of Martha Speaks...
A talking dog...
Vocabulary that is beyond her years...
Those are some of her favorite things...
Did I mention she is starting to read books to me...yikes!
Sometimes she scares me.
As for W...
We are working on reading the whole Harry Potter series...
We are on number 4...The Goblet of Fire...
But I think this may be our last for a while...
They are getting a bit scary and I'm not sure if he is ready to hear anymore.
That's the nice thing about homeschool...
you get to decide what a kid is ready for or not...
C. ready for reading...
W. not ready for really scary parts...
It's our call and nobody else's.


  1. I love that. My oldest get scared really easily too so I actually haven't started the Harry Potter series yet...soon I can probably start the early ones. I love that I can nurture his needs and don't need to push when he isn't ready. what a gift homeschooling has been for us!


    1. It's been excellent for us too. We started Harry last summer and have been going slowly. I actually contemplated stopping after 3, but after listening to begging and pleading I caved in...his arguments were too sound...

  2. Oh don't you hate that? :) Having to actually teach at a co-op? We're not doing any co-op this year. I really needed a break. It's been quite nice, actually. We loved the Martha books! Very funny.

    1. I thought it was just a tv show (yikes) until we found a few at the library...and haven't left the library without one ever since.

  3. love the color of your shalom, it's going to be beautiful, thanks for sharing...

    1. It's dark rose heather by Lion's Brand Wool-ease...nothing fancy, but it really gets the job done!

  4. My Shalom is one of my favorite sweaters. I love it. Yours looks beautiful. My little girl is starting to read too. So very amazing. My older son and I have stopped at Book 4. I also thought it was getting to be a bit too much. So many things to love about homeschooling.

    1. How did you go about stopping? We don't let him watch the movies until we've read it...maybe we say you can't read anymore until you read it to me...


Thanks for visiting with us girls...put your feet up and stay for a while.